1. 现场报到On-site Registration
2017年9月8日 & 9日 Sept.8th & 9th 8:30 — 11:00, 13:30 — 16:00
js6666金沙登录入口-官方入口招生办公室 (徐汇区梅陇路130号,晨园104室)
Admission Office, CIE (Room 104, Chenyuan building, 130 Meilong Road, Xuhui district)
报到流程 Registration Procedure
1核对信息 Confirm Offer
2住宿登记 Register for On-campus Accommodation
3付费 Pay fees (现金或银联标志卡;Cash or Card with Union Pay Logo)
4 保险 Insurance (400元/半年,800元/年; 400RMB/half year, 800RMB/year)
5 语言生汉语水平测试/ Chinese Level Test for Language Students
6 领取校园卡和欢迎礼包 Get Campus card and Welcome Package
2. 学历生注册 Degree Students Academic Registration
学历生完成报到手续后,到js6666金沙登录入口-官方入口教务办公室(晨园105室)报到注册 Degree students must enroll at Academic Affairs Office of CIE after on-site registration(Room 105,Chenyuan building)
js6666金沙登录入口-官方入口教务办公室 (晨园105室)
Academic Affairs Office, CIE (Room 105, Chenyuan building)
3. 汉语生领取教材与课表 Chinese Language Students Collecting Textbooks and Class Timetable
请携带《汉语教材领用单》 Please take the Notice of Collecting Chinese Textbooks
2017年9月13日 & 14日 Sept.13th & 14th 8:30 — 11:00, 13:30 — 16:00 js6666金沙登录入口-官方入口汉语教学办公室 (晨园二楼)
Chinese Language Teaching Office, CIE (2nd Floor of Chenyuan building)
4. 新生开学典礼与校园参观 New Students Opening Ceremony and Campus Tour
2017年9月15日 Sept.15th 9:00
晨园大厅集合 Assemble at the hall of Chenyuan
去 逸夫楼演讲厅To Lecture Hall of Yifu Building
5. 开始上课 Class Begins
1)汉语班开始上课Class begins for Chinese language students
2017年9月18日 Sept.18th 8:30汉语教室 (晨园二楼) Classrooms (2nd floor of Chenyuan Building)
2)研究生新生开始上课 Class begins for new graduate students
2017年9月18日 Sept.18th 8:00见课程表See schedule of different majors
3)本科新生开始上课 Class begins for new undergraduate students
2017年9月25日 Sept.25th 8:00见课程表See schedule of different majors
6. 法律宣传,签证政策与安全讲座 Introduction of Chinese Law, Visa Policies and Safety Lecture
2017年9月15日 Sept.15th 12:30
晨园大厅集合 Assemble at the hall of Chenyuan
去逸夫楼演讲厅To Lecture Hall of Yifu Building
7. 新生体检或体检报告验证 Physical examination for X1 visa holder
2017年9月20日 Sept.20th 7:00
Assemble at the lobby of CIE to the hospital by university bus ( 1st floor of Chenyuan Building)
1. 护照原件、护照首页和签证复印件
2. 中文录取通知书原件与复印件
3. 4张照片(护照照片大小)
4. 体检费:人民币500元
5. 在本国获得的6个月内的体检报告(如果有)
Necessary Documents and Fees:
1. Original Passport , Copy of Passport's first page and Visa page
2. Original and Copy of ECUST Admission letter in Chinese
3. 4 Passport-sized photos
4. Fees: 500RMB
5. Original Physical Examination Report issued within 6 months in own country (if available)
Please be ON TIME and DON’T have breakfast!
8. 办理居留许可签证Process Residence Permit visa(after receiving report of physical exam)
2017年9月27日 &28日 Sept.27th & 28th 8:30 — 11:00, 13:30 — 16:00
js6666金沙登录入口-官方入口招生办公室 (徐汇区梅陇路130号,晨园104室)
Admission Office, CIE (Room 104, Chenyuan building, 130 Meilong Road, Xuhui district)
携带护照, 中文录取通知书原件,1张照片和住宿登记
Please bring passport, original admission letter in Chinese, 1 photo and temporary residence registration form
联系我们 Contact Us
js6666金沙登录入口-官方入口 js6666金沙登录入口-官方入口
中国上海市徐汇区梅陇路130号,邮编 200237
College of International Education
East China University of Science and Technology
130 Meilong Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China, 200237
电话Tel: 0086-21-64253277/64253279
传真Fax: 0086-21-64252280
电子邮箱E-Mail: cie@ecust.edu.cn
网址Website: http:/